We design our visits around the needs of the facilities and support events!

The Itty Bitty Horse Reading Program- Roy Roberts Elementary
Helping students who struggle with academics due to a learning disability.
Students look forward to the incentive of reading to our horses in the library.
Our handlers contribute by encouraging communication skills.

Visiting in the Community
Visiting Children and Families Dealing with Homelessness
Bringing Minis to Children, Youth and Young Adults in Transition (i.e. Shelters, Boys Ranch, Rehab and Drug Abuse Health, etc.)
Visiting Children with Physical, Mental and Emotional Disabilities
Bringing Minis to Children Experiencing Difficulties and Emotional Distress

Nursing Home Visits
Visiting Elders/Dependent Adults in Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facilities
Bringing Minis to Elders dealing with Dementia and Alzheimers’s
​(i.e. Nursing Homes, Assisted Living, Memory Care, Alzheimer Walk, etc.)

Other Activities
In support of other local non-profits in the work they do at events and walks
Bringing miniature horses for presentations and educational activities
MS Walk, Juvenile Diabetes Walk, Downs Syndrome (Buddy Walk) (i.e. Walks of all kinds, schools, libraries, public events, fundraisers)